- Go home and rest. It is not unusual to have blurred vision for 2-4 hours afterwards. Watch children closely. Their balance will be unstable. Your child may still be numb from local anesthetic, they may also have tendency to bite, chew their lips, cheeks and tongue. Please keep your child out of harms way.
- If your child wants to sleep, place them on their side with chin up. It is not unusual to be dizzy, sleepy, or sick toothier stomachs after anesthesia.
- Do not drive or perform any important cognitive decisions/activities for 24 hours. Your child may return to school the following day after anesthesia.
- Begin eating and drinking as tolerated. Start slowly with water, popsicles, Gatorade and progress to more solid and easily digestible foods as tolerated.
- Analgesics or fever reducers may be taken according to the patient's weight every 4-6 hours as needed.
- Call the dentist if the following symptoms occur:
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Swelling
- Increased pain
- Fever over 100 degrees
- Nausea/vomiting for longer than 2 hours
- Sleepiness/dizziness for longer than 6 hours
** If the following occurs: Slow, shallow or difficulty breathing. Difficulty swallowing or if they are difficult to arouse. Call 911 or go to the closest hospital Emergency Room.